Combat Cleaning, LLC
a professional cleaner in PPE uniform

Combatting Germs In The Workplace: Tips From Professional Cleaners

Combatting Germs With Professional Cleaners

A clean and healthy place of business is essential for both the health and happiness of employees and customers. With the COVID-19 pandemic still going on, staying safe and keeping our workplaces clean is more important than ever. Combat Cleaning LLC is a well-known company that offers cleaning and sanitizing services. Our certified and trained professional cleaners use the methods to eliminate dangerous contaminants in your workplace. We have the knowledge and tools to meet your needs, whether you want us to clean every day or once.

It’s time to fight germs and take back control of how clean your workplace is. With the help of a cleaning service contractor, you will be able to make the workplace clean and healthy, which will suit everyone. Call (843) 694-7248 today to get a free quote

Professional Cleaners Tips To Keep Your Workplace Germ-Free

For everyone’s health and safety, keeping the workplace clean and free of germs is essential. Since we spend so much time at work, we must take the right steps to keep it clean and healthy. Here are some tips from experts to help you get rid of germs at work:

1. Establish A Cleaning Routine

Set up a schedule for cleaning your office to keep germs from spreading. Use only cleaners that the EPA has said are good at killing germs.

If the office is cleaned daily, germs and bacteria are less likely to spread. Clean and sanitize bathrooms and break rooms regularly. This gets rid of germs and bacteria that could make people sick. This keeps workers and visitors safe.

2. Use Disinfectant Products

To keep your workplace free of germs, you must use disinfectants. We suggest using disinfectants that the EPA approves. Its purpose is to make sure that germs are killed well. These things are made to kill bacteria and germs on surfaces. It has viruses like the new coronavirus in it.

It is essential to follow the directions on the label when using disinfectants carefully. Using the right amount of the product is part of this.

3. Encouraging Staff To Practice Good Hygiene

It is essential to encourage employees to keep clean. Its goal is to keep germs and bacteria from spreading around the office. Employers can encourage good hygiene by putting up posters or giving out other visual aids. Its goal is to remind employees how important it is to keep clean and how to wash their hands properly.

a professional in PPE deep cleaning the elevator
Professional Cleaners

4. Provide Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)

If you want to keep your area free of germs, you need PPE. It should be worn by people who are more likely to get sick from germs and bacteria. People who work with customers or share equipment fall into this group.

Masks and gloves are part of PPE and can help stop the spread of germs and bacteria. When people wear masks, it’s hard for respiratory droplets to spread. 

When giving PPE to employees, they must know how to put it on and remove it. This includes how to put on and take off masks and gloves the right way.

They must also ensure it is proper for the job and fits well. For masks to work, they must be comfortable and fit well over the nose and mouth. So that germs don’t spread from one person to the next, gloves should fit well and be changed often.

5. Implement Social Distancing

Putting in place measures for social distance is another crucial step. Its goal is to stop germs from spreading around the office. People are socially distant if they keep at least six feet of space between them. Its purpose is to prevent the spread of germs and bacteria.

Workspaces or common areas may need to be changed to make social distance work in the workplace. The idea behind it is to give people more room to move around.

You can also control how many people are in public areas. It could have break rooms, meeting rooms, or elevators anytime. Its goal is to make germs and bacteria less likely to make you sick. Think about working at different times or in different shifts. Its purpose is to cut down on how many people work at once.

Employees need to know how vital social distance is. You must also explain in detail how it should be used at work. This could be done by giving employees signs or other visual aids. It reminds them to stay away from other people to stay safe. 

6. Disinfect Shared Equipment

It’s essential to clean shared equipment to keep the workplace free of germs. Some examples are printers, copiers, and phones. It is easy for germs and bacteria to get into.

To clean shared equipment, turn it off and unplug it first. Spray the disinfectant on a clean cloth, and use it to clean all the equipment’s surfaces.

Pay close attention to things like buttons, handles, and touchscreens that people often touch. Let the disinfectant sit on the surface for as long as it says to ensure it works.

It is essential to clean equipment that is shared often. It is best to give the job of cleaning and disinfecting to a certain employee or team.

a vacuum inside a clean office area
Clean Workspace

7. Keep The Workplace Well-Ventilated

Keeping the workplace well-ventilated is another essential way to keep germs from spreading. Germs and bacteria in the air are less likely to spread when there is enough airflow. It might make it less likely to spread.

Ensure the heating, ventilation, and air conditioning (HVAC) system works well. Make sure the air filters are clean and are changed on a regular basis.

Think about letting in more fresh air from the outside. This can be done by opening windows and doors. You can also change the heating, ventilation, and air conditioning system to let in more fresh air.

You should also use other ways to let air in, in addition to these. Using fans to help move the air is part of it. You can also install air purifiers that remove germs and bacteria from the air.

It’s essential to remember that your workplace’s needs may vary based on its size and layout. It would help if you also considered how many people work for you and what they do. Hire a commercial cleaning contractor expert to help you know the best way to ventilate your workplace.

8. Limit Unnecessary Visitors

By limiting visitors, the risk of bringing germs and bacteria into the workplace is cut down. They might bring germs from other places to work. It has made it more likely that employees will get sick.

Put rules and policies that make it hard for people who don’t need to be there to get in. Set up appointments or plan for visits. You can also limit of people who can visit at any given time. Before letting visitors into the office, their health should be checked.

Think about other options for in-person meetings. It is to cut down on the number of people who come to the office.

All employees and visitors must understand these rules and procedures. The point is to ensure everyone knows how important it is.

Think about putting in place ways to check employees for signs of illness. This can help find possible cases of disease early on. It can also keep germs and bacteria from spreading at work.

9. Educate And Train

When we work with other people, we must learn how to keep things clean and safe. This means knowing how to clean and wearing clothes that don’t spread germs. Germs can make us sick, so we want to keep everyone safe.

Having a special class to teach us how to stay healthy at work is essential. We can learn to wash our hands often, use hand sanitizer, and clean the places we touch. By getting help from professional cleaners near me, we can make our workplace cleaner and safer. When we are happy at work, we can do our best work.

In conclusion, a germ-free workplace is crucial for the health and safety of everyone. By following these expert tips, you can help prevent the spread of germs. You can also maintain a clean and healthy workplace. Remember, creating a culture of cleanliness and hygiene starts with everyone. That’s why taking responsibility and following the recommended guidelines is essential.

If you’re looking for reliable janitorial commercial cleaning services to help you combat germs in your workplace, consider Combat Cleaning LLC. Our team of experienced and professional cleaners uses top-of-the-line equipment and cleaning solutions to ensure a thorough and effective cleaning experience. With our commitment to customer satisfaction and attention to detail, you can trust that your workspace will be in good hands. Taking proactive steps to combat germs in the workplace is essential for the health and well-being of your employees and customers. Contact us at (843) 694-7248 to get a quote, and let us create a safe and healthy environment. We will ensure to promote productivity and success.

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Frequently Asked Questions

It is recommended to clean the workplace daily, focusing on high-touch surfaces such as doorknobs, keyboards, phones, and shared equipment. Regular cleaning helps remove germs and reduce the risk of infections spreading among employees.

The use of EPA-approved disinfectants is crucial for effectively combating germs in the workplace. Look for disinfectants specifically designed to eliminate a broad range of viruses and bacteria. Follow the product instructions and allow sufficient contact time for maximum effectiveness.

Employees play a vital role in reducing the spread of germs. Encourage proper hand hygiene by providing hand sanitizers and reminding employees to wash their hands regularly. Promote respiratory etiquette, such as covering coughs and sneezes with tissues or elbows, and encourage employees to stay home if they feel unwell.

While regular cleaning efforts by in-house staff are important, professional cleaners bring expertise, specialized equipment, and thorough cleaning techniques. Professional cleaners can help ensure a deeper and more comprehensive clean, especially in high-traffic areas or during flu seasons.

Yes, there are several high-traffic areas that require extra attention. These include restrooms, break rooms, shared kitchen areas, meeting rooms, and commonly touched surfaces like elevator buttons, handrails, and light switches. Regular disinfection of these areas is crucial in preventing the spread of germs.

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